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By using FinYug.com website or/and associated applications and it's services, you agree to the below Privacy Policy.

Data we collect from you

Your IP address, domain information, your Internet service provider information, the date and time of your visit, the length of your visit, the pages you have visited, the page from where you exited our website, the files you have downloaded, the number of times you have accessed this website, the website that referred you to this site, your browser information, your operating system information, your email address and name if you leave a comment, and possibly other details.

Your data usage and privacy

At this point of time we do not have any intention of selling the information that is collected from you. However, the webmaster(s) reserve(s) the right to sell and distribute to anybody without your consent. In addition, the webmaster(s) may provide any of your information that is collected through this website or any of our application to anyone who may ask for it, at the webmaster’s own discretion and without your consent.
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